Farm Succession
Farm families in Michigan work hard to establish successful businesses, working long hours through all seasons and all conditions. Farm families take pride in creating a legacy for their children and grandchildren. How is your legacy protected? How can you provide future income for your family and finance your retirement? Will your family know what to do to keep the family farm without you there 24/7? Can you minimize property taxes, estate taxes, and probate fees?
At Sterling Law, we care about your family farm businesses and recognize the legal and
personal complications involved in carrying on what you have built. Visit with us today to find out how you can maintain and protect your family legacy during your lifetime and thereafter.
When you call Sterling Law at 231-486-0559 about farm succession planning, you can expect a short phone intake process. Your information will then be forwarded to one of our farm succession planning attorneys for review and follow up with you.
Sterling Law Office areas of practice include specialization in advocacy and divorce tailored for men. Sterling Law Office has a strong and successful history of representing both women and men in all areas of family law, including divorce.